Grounding and Bonding are the least understood, the most misinterpreted and confusing elements in modern electrical and electronic systems and leads to poor design and installation work — especially as it relates to the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) and to the National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.
Misinterpretation of the rules causes their misapplication and consequently improper installation of critical systems such as “Telecommunications”, “Instrumentation & Control, “Lightning Protection Systems’ and protections against “Electrostatic Discharges”. The overall result ends up in Power Quality problems, electric shock risks and catastrophic damages such as fires and explosions in some industries such as the Petrochemical Industry, hazardous military installations where weapon systems are stored and improper grounding during aircraft refueling.
Metal parts are grounded to the earth to help prevent build-up of high voltage static charges where the discharge (arcing) could cause failure of electronic equipment.
How to improve your NEC/CSA Installations